Detoxing Your Body

To detox your blood, lymph, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, and/or intestines– eat these!

Why Detox?

The real question should be why not detox? Detoxing cleanses and replenishes your body, eliminates impurities, supports your vital organs, and restores a balance of wellness and vitality! Eating ‘clean’ foods is a safe, healthy, and natural way to achieve a fit and lean body!

You can even detox instead of diet to lose weight, and keep it off! Studies show that detoxing works better than traditional dieting. When you are overweight, fat builds to protect your body from impurities. In a traditional diet, you lose the weight but not the impurities. Therefore, your smaller body senses the increased percentage of impurities and goes into emergency fat production! But, if you detox your body, you shed fat and the impurities are released. Thus, you will have better overall health with less fat and more lean muscles! Cleanse your body and burn off that stubborn, excess fat!

What Else Can Detoxing Do For You?

  • Control sugar cravings
  • Give you higher and consistent energy
  • Fight against caffeine addictions
  • Stop binge eating/drinking
  • Solve mood swings/irritability/anxiety
  • Control fluid retention
  • Improve digestion
  • Stop bloating/gas
  • Contribute to a healthier cardiovascular system
  • Fight migraines/headaches
  • Help mental clarity, focus/concentration, and acuity/sharpness
  • Support vital organs which positively influence all areas of health (including immunity, skin, assimilation of nutrients, and fat metabolism)

12 Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Here’s an apple cider vinegar tea recipe you can try!

Apple-Cider-Vinegar, OH MY! This stuff can do all kinds of good for your health! Here are 12 benefits of ACV:

  1. Relieves constipation (acts as a natural laxative)
  2. Promotes good gut bacteria (contains probiotics)
  3. Detoxes the body (antibacterial and antimicrobial)
  4. Lowers blood pressure (and promotes heart health)
  5. Fights cancer (contains antioxidants)
  6. Aids weight loss (reduces fat and sugar cravings)
  7. Fights colds (boosts your immune system)
  8. Fights acid re-flux (improves acid content in your stomach)
  9. Cures candida (stops yeast from spreading)
  10. Regulates pH (reduces risk of chronic illness and boosts energy)
  11. Balances blood sugar (improves diabetes)
  12. Fights allergies (breaks up mucus and clears sinuses)